Satisfied with your Current IT Environment?
現状を正しく分析し、将来構想を練りましょう。新しいソリューションを導入する前には、足元を固めることが重要です。参考までに、以下にPLM発展の歴史を示しています。 [PLM第1世代] 一部の大手中心にPLMソリューションの導入が進み、期間短縮、コスト圧縮を実現した。しかしプロセス全体が大きく変わるものではなく、限定的であった。 [PLM第2世代] 各領域でCloudソリューション移行が本格化するも、増大するバッチデータ連携負荷課題は未解決。モデル指向を実体設計領域から机上設計領域 へと拡張するも、全体最適には及ばず。 [PLM第3世代] AIやIoTと融合した3D環境 (CAD/AR/VRなど) は、単なるシミュレーションの枠を超えつつある。実体からデジタルへの主従関係逆転により、既存のプラットフォームやプロセスが根本的に変わる。
Confirm Position and Future Direction
Properly analyze current situation and plan the future. It is important to establish a firm footing before introducing new solutions. The history of PLM is shown below. [PLM Gen-1] PLM solutions were introduced mainly in some major companies to reduce the cost and time. However, the entire process did not change significantly. [PLM Gen-2] Cloud migration was executed in each domain, but the increasing batch data exchanging issue was still unresolved. Model-based methodology was extended from geometry design to conceptual design, but this did not lead to total process optimization. [PLM Gen-3] 3D environments (CAD/AR/VR, etc.) fused with AI and IoT are going beyond mere simulation. Existing platforms and processes will fundamentally change.

Solution Implementation Procedure
Analyze your IT environment, examine the business issues and needs, and propose the most appropriate PLM/SCM/CRM solution. In defining requirements, we utilize an omni-directional analysis method with a process perspective (horizontal) and an architecture perspective (vertical).

Solution Implementation Schedule
Standard solution implementation schedule is as follows. After the scope and requirements discussion, we will provide the revised schedule and estimate.